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Section Three:
Early Medieval
410 to 1066
Dark Ages
The Birth of Nations
Northumbrian Struggles
I: Grandsons of Ivar
Northumbrian Struggles
II: King of All Britain
Northumbrian Struggles
III: Bloodaxe
Bloody Business
Through the Ignorance of Childhood
Peace to England
Dynastic Disputes
No Worse Deed
The Vikings Return
I: Unready
The Vikings Return
II: The Wrath of God
The Vikings Return
III: Ironside
Danish England
I: Cnut the Great
Danish England
II: End of the Line
Toil and Trouble
The Apocalypse Approaches
I: 1042 to 1050
The Apocalypse Approaches
II: 1051 to 1052
The Apocalypse Approaches
III: 1053 to 1065
The Apocalypse Approaches
IV: 1066